• Remember the best way to learn your vocabulary?

    1) Read and memorize the words

    2) Write the words

    3) Listen to the words

    Enjoy your revisions x

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  • Let's play (and work for the test !!)


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  • Not only the atmosphere is cool but the food looks delicious !

    Gus' Diner

    Gus' Diner

    Enjoy some videos to visit one of the most famous diner in the USA.

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  • Here is a list of websites with really interesting idioms to use when you feel irritated or upset !

    Let's get upset !

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  • Watch the video and post a comment to answer any of the following questions:

    1 ) What do they study (= subject)

    2) Describe their uniform

    3 ) What facilities can you see in this amazing English school ?

    4) Comment in English or in French on the differences with your school in Ferney


    Regarde la vidéo et commente les matières scolaires en anglais, l'uniforme ainsi que les installations que ces élèves ont la chance de pouvoir utiliser dans leur incroyable école. Enfin, n'hésite pas à commenter les éventuelles différences que tu peux observer avec ton école ici à Ferney

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